About us
Gumi Recycling EOOD is an end-of-life tire (ELT) recovery organization within the meaning of Item 16 of section (§) 1 of the Supplementary Provisions to the Waste Management Act (WMA)
The Organization does not distribute profit, but invests the accumulated funds in the construction of sustainable systems for separate collection and recovery of ELTs in order to meet the recycling and recovery targets set out in the Ordinance on Requirements for Treatment of End-of-life Tires.
The Organization was established as a private limited company whose capital is distributed in shares and meets the special requirements of the Waste Management Act.

Pursuant to Article 16 of the WMA, the memorandum of association of the recovery organization contains conditions ensuring the fulfillment of certain requirements, such as:
Compliance with the principle of equal treatment and the possibility of participation of the obligated, willing to fulfill their obligations under the WMA and the Ordinance on Requirements for Treatment of End-of-life Tires, through the collective system of the organization;
The founders of the recovery Organization are not entitled to:
- participate in another recovery Organization for the same waste;
- secure advantages by the articles of association;
Contain prohibitive provisions on:
- the distribution of profit;
- the issue of bonds and shares with dividend coupons;
- the granting of loans and guarantees of loans to third parties and the incurrence of bill of exchange liabilities;
- the issue of bearer shares.
The Organisation’s ultimate objective is to organise a sustainable and environmentally sound end-of-life tire collection system under Article 15 of the WMA, which will ensure that the relevant obligations of those placing tires on the market, including tire chains, related to the achievement of certain statutory recycling and recovery targets for certain quantities of ELTs are met.
The Organisation achieves the sustainable and environmentally sound management of end-of-life tires by organizing infrastructure for the separate collection, transport, recycling, including recovery, of ELTs from contractors who are professionals in the field of waste management.
Gumi Recycling also includes in its system municipalities in Bulgaria represented by mayors looking for a solution to the problem of unregulated disposal of ELTs.
For businesses and the public, Gumi Recycling organizes information and education campaigns to raise public awareness about the proper treatment of this type of waste, as well as active inclusion of the public in its separate collection.
Benefits and Membership
The Gumi Recycling team is committed to provide high quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly services at the most competitive prices.
As a member of the Organization, you will be exempted from the obligation to pay a product fee for tires, incl. tire chains, to EMEPA and will thus reduce your costs significantly.
Membership in Gumi Recycling ensures:
Reducing the cost of paying a fee for tires/tire chains you place on the market
Long-term and sustainable solutions to meet your statutory ELT recycling and recovery targets
Environmentally friendly behaviour and care to reduce the volume of deposited waste
We operate in abidance by the following principles:
A fair playing field
we offer our customers the opportunity to participate in the end-of-life management system
our goal is to ensure strict performance of services in accordance with all regulatory and environmental requirements
Sustainability and environmental protection
care for the environment, manifested through sustainable solutions integrated into daily operations, is a prerequisite for stable economic growth
we are responsible partners of all our clients and suppliers
we implement all our activities and policies transparently and on the principle of full accountability
one of our guiding objectives is to continuously simplify and unify all processes and procedures
our primary focus is on discovering solutions and achieving positive results
For your convenience we offer an electronic reporting system
Decision No RD-640/29.08.2023
To join our system, we offer a contract, terms and conditions and information on the relevant remuneration for marketed products.
We successfully met our members’ targets for 2021. The order containing information on the quantities of collected and recycled end-of-life Tires can be found Download.
Waste management operators
Partners of the Organization are companies with a proven name and professionalism in the field of waste management. The selection of operators is subject to an established procedure.
The selection criteria include: availability of sites that comply with regulatory requirements; possession of a permit under the Waste Management Act that allows the relevant activity to be carried out with the above waste; compliance with the principles of cost-effective cost allocation.
The procedure for the selection of operators for the provision of certain waste management services representing end-of-life tires is carried out by sending an invitation to certain waste management operators and/or by an advertisement published on the Internet. After receipt of tenders from at least two operators, selection proceeds on the basis of the lowest price. At the discretion of the operator, more than one operator may be contracted for a given type of waste and/or activity.
The contracts concluded with the selected contractors shall include provisions for compliance with the legislation in force. Penal provisions with high penalties and/or termination of the contract are foreseen in the event of non-compliance with commitments made.
Our partners also include various municipalities that fulfill their legal obligations for separate waste collection.
We offer a contract for the separate collection of ELTs upon interest from the respective municipality and after discussion of the specifics of its separate collection systems.
Gumi Recycling is licensed to operate as an end-of-life tire recovery Organisation. The document is accessible Download.
Program Permit 21.07.2022
Decision 14.01.2022
Licence Gumi Recycling
Decision 03.11.2021
Waste Management Act
Waste Framework Directive
Scrap Tire Management Ordinance
Product Tax Ordinance
General Terms